Chairman of SETARA Institute for Democracy and Peace

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Greetings for us all.

Dear readers,
SETARA Institute is a Human Rights organization with a concern in advancing the Human Rights condition and the elimination or minimalization of discrimination and intolerance based on religion, ethnicity, skin color, gender, and other social classes in Indonesia. SETARA Institue believes that a democratic society will advance if empathy, respect, and recognition of diversity shall bloom, thus SETARA Institute is dedicated in achieving the ideals in which everyone is treated equally with respect towards diversity, prioritizing solidarity and with the goal of dignifying humans.

Since 2007, SETARA Institute alongside other civil organizations consistently work towards the realization of the freedom of religion/belief in Indonesia, which was normatively included in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, especially Article 28E paragraph (1) and paragraph (2). Various civil organizations did observations, research, policy advocation, and strategic litigation as a means to encourage the state to fulfill its responsibility in protecting the right of citizens to freedom of religion, belief, including the right to worship and carry out religious activities.

SETARA Institute hypothesizes that intolerance is the first step toward terrorism or violent extremism. Thus, tolerance is one of the key variables in guiding and realizing social harmony and inclusion, as well as developing a Pancasila state with the foundation of the freefom of religion as affirmed by the first principle of Pancasila and guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution, specifically Article 29 Paragraph (2).

The partnership program between SETARA Institute and Inspectorate General of The Ministry of Religious Affairs Republic of Indonesia is a part of an important mission in preventing and mitigating radicalism in Madrasah under The Ministry of Religious Affairs which have become an urgent strategic issue to be dealt with. In that framework, this program targeted three [3] strategic actors in madrasah environment, namely Madrasah Principals/Supervisors and Islamic Religious Education Teachers, as well as the Auditors in the The Ministry of Religious Affairs, whose roles could be optimized to create a situation in school which may prevent and fight radicalism.

This program is also designed to improve the capacity of each actor in order to strengthen the madrasah in preventing radicalism, both in and out of the class. Another output of this program ia the module that you are reading, namely training module for Madrasah Principal and Supervisor, training module for Islamic Religious Education Teacher, and training module for Auditor.

We would like to thank the Inspectorate General of The Ministry of Religious Affairs Republic of Indonesia. We would also like to show our gratitude and appreciation to the Secretary of the Inspectorate General who currently holds the position as the acting Inspector General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Mr. Muhammad Tambrin, for the introduction and support which have been important in doing the training and the writing of this module. The same goes to Mr. Ahmad Sutikno, Mr. Wendi, and other officers in the auditor team and the Secretariat of the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs which were involved and have contributed in the training and gave their inputs for the writing of this module. We certainly hope that the training and this module can be used for the benefit of all people and to create a better Indonesia for all of its people in the spirit of diversity.[]

Jakarta, March 20, 2020